60's Timeline

  • President Kennedy is Elected

    President Kennedy is Elected
    Democrat JFK defeated Richard Nixon in the presidential election in the 1960 election
  • Berlin Wall is Constructed

    Berlin Wall is Constructed
    Barrier dividing Germany between West and East, one being communist and one not
  • Marilyn Monroe Dies

    Marilyn Monroe Dies
    Marilyn Monroe who was an icon died of a sedative drug overdose in her home
  • James Meredith registers at Ole Miss

    James Meredith registers at Ole Miss
    James Meredith who was an African American tried to register to go to Ole Miss, which caused riots, and eventually he got in becoming the first
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A confrontation between the Soviets and the USA over the installation of Soviet missiles in Cuba led to a nuclear conflict and people being scared around the world
  • MLK's "I have a Dream Speech"

    MLK's "I have a Dream Speech"
    King delivered a speech to a large group of civil rights activists at Lincoln Memorial, calling for equal rights and freedom
  • JFK is assassinated

    JFK is assassinated
    While riding with the governor and his wife during a parade President Kennedy was shot 4 times by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Beatles arrive in the US

    Beatles arrive in the US
    Being greeted by thousands the Beetles arrived in America, taking over America for the time having their first show 2 days later
  • San Francisco “Summer of Love” begins

    San Francisco “Summer of Love” begins
    30,000 people gathered together in San Fran to take part in a collective expansion of consciousness
  • The first NFL Superbowl

    The first NFL Superbowl
    The Superbowl, which has been going on now for 55+ years, and was first played between the AFL and NFL, and won by the Packers
  • Beatles release Sgt. Peppers album

    Beatles release Sgt. Peppers album
    The Beatles release their 8th album which was long-awaited and extremely popular, having the same exact album for both the UK and US version
  • Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court
    Marshall was nominated as the first black supreme court justice by LBJ and he got accepted in with ease in a 69-11 vote
  • MLK is assassinated

    MLK is assassinated
    James Earl Ray murdered MLK because he was a racist who hated everything King stood for
  • Robert Kennedy Assissinated

    Robert Kennedy Assissinated
    JFK's brother Robert was running for president and was killed by Sirhan Sirhan in the middle of the night
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Campaign in the Vietnam war, consisting of a coordinated series of attacks on over 100 cites and outposts in South Vietnam
  • Richard Nixon is elected

    Richard Nixon is elected
    After losing in 2 races years prior Nixon wins the election in a close race with Humphrey and Wallace
  • Stone Wall Riots

    Stone Wall Riots
    A response by the gay community because of a police raid taking place at the Stone Wall inn
  • American Astronauts Land on the Moon

    American Astronauts Land on the Moon
    After a long Space Race with the Soviets, the Americans were able to get the technology to land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Armstrong on the moon before the Soviets could.
  • Woodstock Concert

    Woodstock Concert
    In NY, what was and still is one of the most celebrated music festivals in history