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6 Revolutions that Shaped Modern Europe

By Danny D
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
    One of the most significant documents of the scientific revolution, this work of three books brought major leaps forward in the fields of mathematics and physics, helping to give Europe a scientific edge. It was written by Sir Isaac Newton in England.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was passed in England, establishing the power dynamic between the monarchy and the parliament. This was a formative document for Great Britain, and by extension, because of Great Britain's influence, an important document for Modern Europe
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    A product of the Enlightentment and the French Revolution, this document was representative of the original values of the French Revolution. It was also a great stride forward for human rights, as this document estabilshed the fact that there were fundamental human rights that applied to all mankind.
  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol
    A Christmas Carol is a novella by Charles Dickens that is representative of life during the Industrial Revolution in England. It brought forth the moral issues of the revolution, questioning the goals of capitalism and noting the suffering of the poor.
  • "The Bolshevik"

    "The Bolshevik"
    "The Bolshevik" is a painting by Boris Kustodiev that was completed in 1920. The painting gives an accurate depiction of the movements and revolutions that were takeing place in Russia in the early twentieth century. Essentially, the painting shows that the Bolshevik will lead the way to unity in a broken and disorganized Russia. These Bolshevik revolutions would end up being the centre of European politics in the twentieth century.
  • Photo of 1934 Nuremburg Rally

    Photo of 1934 Nuremburg Rally
    This photo of the 1934 Nuremburg Rally in Nazi Germany shows the scope of influence that the fascist movements in Europe had. The sheer power and unity seen in the photo gives a good idea of the goals of the fascist uprisings. This power that the fascists exercised would eventually be unleashed upon Europe, forever altering its course.