6 events of aggression that led up to the war

  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    set out the terms for Germany's punishment which caused anger and resentment in Germany. Its 15 parts and 440 articles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations.
  • Economic Crisis 1929

    Economic Crisis 1929
    The effects of the great economic crisis of the Great Depression (1929 to 1939) are felt in virtually all corners of the world. Anti-democratic countries form Totalitarianism governments that assert absolute and total control over the public and private lives of people and begin to adopt policies of expansion and aggression led by dictators
  • Hitler become Chancellor

    Hitler become Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler (1889 – 1945) becomes Chancellor of Germany and and head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, better known as the Nazi Party.The German leaders, who have lost the confidence of the citizens because of their policy of "deflation", hope that Hitler will be able to oppose the threat of a Bolshevik seizure of power, restore the authority of the state and take action. responsible person.
  • Hitler rise to power

    Hitler rise to power
    Hitler establishes himself as dictator assuming the title of "Fuhrer". Nazism shared many features of Fascism but also featured racism.
  • Berlin Axis

    Berlin Axis
    Rome-Berlin Axis, Coalition formed in 1936 between Italy and Germany. An agreement formulated by Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries was reached on October 25, 1936. It was formalized by the Pact of Steel in 1939. The term Axis Powers came to include Japan as well.
  • Britain and France declare the war on Germany

    Britain and France declare the war on Germany
    Britain and France respond to the invasion forces by declaring war on Germany September 3, 1939. The events leading up to WW2 had drawn to a conclusion. World War II had begun.. Men respond without joy but with determination to the order of mobilization