The Union is Shattered
eleven states secceed from the union -
The Attack on Fort Sumter
The South attack Fort Sumter for there first victory in the war -
Virginias Secesion
Virginia secedes from the union -
African American's right to serve
this law, passed by congress, allowed African Americans to serve in the military -
The Ironclads that shocked the world
victory for the Union at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson
The Seven Day Battles
the seven day battles ended in southern victory on july 1, 1862 -
The battle at Antietam
The blooiest day in American history -
The end of General McClellan
Lincoln fires mcClellan for lack of agression -
The Emancipation proclamaion
General StoneWall Jackson Dies
the death of gen. jackson was an accident after he was shot by his onw confederate troops -
West Virginia becomes apart of the Union
Ulysses S. Grant become commander of all union armies
The South Surrender