Civil War Timeline

  • Conferderate States of America

    Conferderate States of America
    The eleven slave states ban together and decide to attempt to succed from the United States. This not only worsened the rival between the north and south but became one of the reasons as to why the civil war began.
  • Confederate victory at fort Sumter

    Confederate victory at fort Sumter
    First shot fired by the confederates during this battle ruined the enterance way the union side had to their south carolina fort. This battle gave the confederates a victory.
  • Battle on Bull Run

    Battle on Bull Run
    30,000 union soilders moved towards richmond and meet an equal confederate army near a creek on bull run. Confederate reinforcments come to releave men which gives them a victory.
  • Fort Henry and Donelson

    The union captures two forts here throughout one battle. Both forts were located on the tennessee river. General Grant was the victorious leader who lead them to victory.
  • Conscription Acts

    Conscription Acts
    The confederacy and union parties passed the conscription acts to replace the fallen troops. These acts created basically a military draft that applied to all men between the 18 and 35.
  • Navy Attacks

    Grant Navy took fire to navel ships.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    A five day battle that lasted with a victory for the union army. The union fled to the confederates territory an attack led by David G. Farragut which allowed them to capture the South's biggest portion of land.
  • Seven day battle

    Seven Day battle over Richmound that lasted from june 25 untill july 1. Confederates save richmound and manage to have the union army avoid their capital.
  • Seven day battle

    Seven day battle
    Battle that lasted seven days in Gettysburg between that Nothern states and the Sounthern states. Ended with defeat for the Northern side, however helped them gain Vicksburg.
  • Battle of Antietam

    The union victory drove the south out of the north, this battle was known as one of the bloodest single day battles during the Civil war.
  • McClellan gets fired

    McClellan gets fired
    Lincoln fires MacClellan which solves many issues. McClellan was considered a slow yet a very strong headed leader and believed very stongly in his army. This showed in battle when McClellan would refuse to retreat, even when nessassary, which not only put his men in danger but left his army very weak.
  • Draft riots

    Draft riots
    In New York poor workers riot in protest of drafts and attackrich men, blacks,drafters,and republicans. 100 people died from this incident, and several casualties occured due to this incicent.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Speech given by Abraham Lincoln, said to be one of the best speeches in american history. Given to honor those in battle during the civil war.
  • Election of 1864

    Election of 1864
    Lincoln wins election by over 400,000 in the popular vote. However has a tough fight against the pro-peace party.
  • Black soilders begin to fight

    Congress passed a law allowing black people to fight in the war. After this law was passed ten percent of the union army was black. After war was over and their help was not needed blacks were aloud to live free.