First Shots at Fort Sumter
Jefferson Davis chooses war. -
Virginia Seceeds
Virginia was unwilling to fight against the other Southern States, so it ended up succeeding. This was a devestating event to the Union, because Virginia was a very populated state. -
Bull Run
A Confederate army and a Union army met up near the creek of Bull Run, and the Battle was fairly even, though the Union was prevalent in the morning. -
Fort Henry and Donelson
Ulysses S. Grant leads the Union Army to invade Tennessee. In eleven days they managed to capture two Confederate forts. -
African-Americans Can Fight
Kulowiec, I don't actually know when this happened, but it was before Fort Pillow. Congress passed a law allowing African Americans to serve in the military. By the end of the war, nearly 10% of the Union army was African Americans. -
Battle of Shiloh
The Confederate soldiers snuck up on Union troops by surprise, but the following day Grant counterattacked and the Confederate soldiers retrated. Both sides learned that they needed better strategies and that war could get quite bloody. -
McClellan and Lee's troops clashed. There were more than 26,000 casualties. McClellan could've ended the Civil War had he continued fighting the Confederacy, but he didn't and the South retreated. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln freed the slaves from the rebel states in order to benefit the North. It was less of a noble action than many assume - it was a war strategy. -
The Confederacy passed the draft in 1862, but the North didn't until 1863. The Confederate draft drafted healthy men between eighteen and thirty-five. The Union's draft drafted white men between twenty and forty five. -
Confederate soldiers led by A.P. Hill went to meet up with General Lee, but they ran into a brigade of Union soldiers. They began to fight, and the sounds of the gunfire attracted more soldiers. -
Gettysburg: The Second Day
90,000 Union soldiers and 75,000 Confederate soldiers were ready to fight. At first, the Confederates had the upperhand, but the Union surprised them and the Confederates had to surrender. -
Gettysburg: The Third Day
General Lee felt as if he could hurt the Union, but this turned out to be wrong. The Confederates had to surrender and retreat. -
The starving Confederates in Vicksburg set a message to their commander demanded a surrender or food, and the Confederate Commander asked Grant for surrender. -
Fort Pillow
A battle in tennessee. Confederate troops killed more than 200 African-American prisoners. -
Lee and Grant arrange a Confederate surrender. Within two months, everything related to the Confederacy collapsed. Hooray , the war was over. -
AW -
Time Toast Starts Being Cool
LOL jk its always lame