Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    My LifeSpan Timeline

  • Day of birth born in California my dad stationed in Vietnam

  • Period: to

    timeline project

  • moved to Germany, loved blueberry buckle baby food

  • Sister Erin was born on Army base in Germany

  • started Preschool

  • US pulls troops out of Vietnam end of War move to California

  • Grandpa dies in California

  • Mom starts working fulltime

  • Move to Missouri dad is flying helicopters for Army

  • switched from public school to Catholic school had to wear uniforms

  • Had to get first bra and got teased by boys

  • Had to get ugly glasses and had gap in front teeth

  • mom had my hair cut off like Dorothy Hamill and looked like a boy

  • won volleyball tournament

  • got braces

  • Mike Rooney my first boyfriend and dance

  • got stitches when sneaking out window and grounded for month

  • got my drivers lisence

  • moved to Minnesota from Missouri left my best friend

  • make track team and cheerleading Junior year highschcol

  • GRADUATION from highschool and grandpa past away

  • went to California for visit with Grandma by myself

  • Started job and college

  • Parents moved to Alabama and I moved into my own apartment

  • Got promoted from receptionist to Account Manager

  • engaged to get married

  • got married in Alabama and moved there

  • Divorced finialized short lived marriage

  • moved to Michigan to be a nanny and attend Schoolcraft

  • had major dental surgery and face all swollen

  • moved in with boyfriend and his room mates

  • found out I was pregnant

  • got married for 2nd time

  • bought our first house in Redford, MI

  • My son Matteo is born

  • My son's first birthday and I go back to work after being off a year

  • Matteo had cranial surgeries all his medical problems start

  • fill out forms to adopt and do foster care for Michigan

  • Had to quit job due to Matteo's health problems

  • Dominic our son is born and we adopt him at birth

  • Brock and Kathleen come to live with us we need bigger home

  • Move to Westland to 6 bedroom colonial our new home

  • Isabella and Savanna come to live with us

  • husband gets hurt on job an unemployed for a year

  • Make A Wish sends whole family to Give Kids The World and Disney

  • Alysen comes to live with us

  • turn in foster lisence all our children are officially adopted

  • went back to college

  • graduating from Schoolcraft

  • Period: to

    Natalie Selgado timeline

  • Enter into Masters Program at Eastern

  • Kathleen our oldest daughter moves out


  • Kathleen has our first grandchild

  • Kathleen has our second grandchild

  • my grandmother passes away I fly to Alabama

  • Isabella and Matteo graduate highschool

  • Brock graduates highschool

  • Savanna graduates highschool

  • Dominic graduates highschool

  • Brock goes into the Army and is stationed overseas

  • Matteo and Izzy graduate from college and move out

  • house porch catches on fire from pumpkin

  • Alysen our last to graduate from highschool

  • Working with Child Rights and CASA to put stricter policies on foster care homes

  • Bernardo has surgery on shoulder again

  • Relocate to Alabama

  • Have mother in law move in due to medical needs

  • spouse goes down to part-time work

  • Bernardo my spouse finally retires

  • Take grand kids to Yellowstone Park in RV

  • Make a living will and medical directive for self and spouse

  • Mother in law passes away take care of estate plans

  • I step down and retire with in the year

  • take continuing education classes

  • volunteer advocate for foster children

  • Funeral for family friend

  • go on trip to Mexico to work with orphanage

  • Diagnosed with breast cancer like my grandmother

  • health problems going to medical center and physcial rehab

  • Natalie Selgado dies leaving behind 7 children and 15 grandchildren

  • Funeral ceremony for Natalie died at the age of 85