The Great Depression
In The Great Depression people had hard times finding jobs and homes. Many had to eat from the trash. During The Great Depression 86,000 bussinesses had faild. People had to live in hoovervilles. -
The New Deal
Roosevelt cared about ordinary citizens. Roosevelt related the countries hardship. Republicans nominated Hoover to run for second term. He created jobs and it also created New Bank Recovery.And it also made a better Economy -
Dust Bowl
People planted weed for troops. Farmers plow grazzing land. Cows return graze area and brake grounds because they are so heavy. Black blizzards where happening in thoes times. It ruined crops and pasture. People left homes because of what was happening. -
Amelia Earthart
Amelia Earthart was the first woman to cross the atlantic by plane. She flew around the world. Her claims were dispated by people who worked for Earthart's planes. -
Hawley-Smoot Trariff Act
In 1930 it was passed by the v.s congress,precident Hoover desire a imitedup ward revision of product and adgustment of few industrial lates. The u.s tariff to the highest protective level in history -
War Of Worlds
Orson Welts was read over radio because their was no T.V. during in thoes days. He also scared Americans. War Of Wourlds made Orson Wells really famous