ian frazer

By alet
  • ian frazer is born

  • Period: to

    ian frazer

  • compleated bachelor of science

  • ian married his wife

    ian married his present wife caroline
  • compleated bachelor of medicine

  • compleated bachelor of surgery

  • the frazers immagrated

    ian frazer moved to melbourne from edinburgh to study viral immunology and auto immunity
  • ian frazer moved to the univercity of queensland

  • met dr jian zhou

    met virologist Dr Jian Zhou considered developing a vaccine for HPV - a virus that will only grow on living skin
  • became director of dimantina instatute

    became Director of the Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research at the University of Queensland (which he remains at the renamed Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine
  • discovery made

    discovery made
    on this day ian frazer along with his late Colleague dr jian zhou discovered the cure to cervical cancer at the dimantina instItute.
  • queenslander of the year

    today ian also won the queenslander of the year award
  • won australian of the year award

    on this day ian won the australian of the year award
  • became aussie

    Professor Frazer completed the first human trials for Gardasil, and became an Australian.