Cold War John Armbrust

  • NATO

    The United States, Canada, and ten other countries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO). Members pledged one another to help if any one of them were attacked.
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    Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear arms after WWII the United States was the only nuclear power. Then in 1949 the Soviet Union had also developed nuclear weapons, and by 1953 both sides had deveopled hydrogen bombs which were way worse than atomic bombs. Each side raced in a match to make bombs. Which caused a "balance of terror".
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    Chinese Civil War

    Chinese fightingChinese communist lead by Mao Zedong fought a civil war against the Nationalists lead by Jiang Jieshi. Mao Zedong forces won and had set up the People's Republic of China. The Nationalists feld and went to Taiwan and now China was finally under Communist control.
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    Communist Cuba

    [Fidel Castro]( the 1950s Fidel Castro organized an armed rebellion against the corrupt dictator who then ruled Cuba. By 1959 Castro hadled his army to victory and set about transforming the country. Castro also had the support of the Soviet Union. Castro severly restricted Cubans' political freedom. Critics were jailed or silenced and many people fled to Florida.
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    Eastern European Independence

    eastern europeIn Eastern Europe, many had opposed communist rule. Poland put up a little fight for freedom while, Hungary slowly changes and works toward freedom, Czechoslovakia get a new leader and splits. Romania's longtime dictator refused to step down and was overthrown and executed. For the first time Eastern European countries were free.
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    Korean Conflict

    38th parrallelJapan was independent till it was conquered in early 20th century. After Japan's defeat in WW2, Soviet and American forces agreed to divide Korea temporarily along the 38th parallel. Kim II Sung, the dictator of North Korea became a communist allie of Soviet Union. In South Korea the US backed the dictatorial non-communist leader Syngman Rhee. The Korean War turned into a stalemate in 1953 when both sides signed an armistice.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union responded from the NATO by forming its own military alliance which is the Warsaw Pact. It included the Soviet Union and seven staellites in Eastern Europe.The Warsaw Pact was often called upon by the Soviets to keep its satellites in order. The Warsaw Pact also seperated the divison of Euorpe into eastern and western blocs.
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    Vietnam Conflict

    Vietnam Ho Chi Minh was determined to unite Vietnam under communist rule. He continued to aid the Nationa Liberation Front or Viet Cong which were communist rebels trying to overthrow South Vietnam's government. The United States originally were only sending military supplies and military advisors to South Vietnam but later they sent thousands of troops turning a local struggle into a major conflict.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    In 1961 East Germany built a wall that sealed off West Berlin. When it was completed the Berlin wall was a massive concrete barrier that was topped with barbed wire and patrolled by guards. The Berlin Wall was made so that West Berlin could not enter even though they were unhappy.
  • Missile Crisis

    Missile Crisis
    In 1962 the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba. President Kennedy responded by imposing a naval blockade that prevent further shipments of missiles, and Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union removed its nuclear missiles from Cuba. The world faced risk of a nuclear was over the issue but the Soviets agreed and war was averted
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    Detente American and Soviet arms control agreements led to an area of dentente or relaxation of tensions during the 1970s.The American strategy was to restrain the Soviet Union through diplomatic agreements rather than by military means. The era of detente ended in 1979.
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    Soviets in Afghanistan

    soviets in afghanistanIn 1979 the Soviet Union became involved in a long war in Afghanistan which was an Islamic country. A Soviet supported Afghan government had tried to modernize the nation so Afghan landlords thought that they were trying to threaten Islamic tradition, so Soviet troops moved in. The Americans were battling the mujahedins who were just as difficult as the guerrillas in Vietnam. This created a crisis for the Soviets at home.
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    Soviet Union Falls

    soviet unionMikhail Gorbachev tried to improve everything that the Soviets need for example the economy. The stuff he tries doesnt work and they start breaking off into 12 independent states.