Cold War Larissa

  • NATO

    The United States, Canada, and ten other countires formed a new military alliance called the Noth Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Members pledged to help one another if any of them were attacked by enemies.
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    Chines Civil War

    Chinese Civil WarIn 1949 the Chinese Communists had gained control of much of northern China, China was finally under communist control. Mao's forces swept to victory and set up the People's Republic of China.Mao had the support of China's peasent population, and the Nationalists lost popularity. In 1966, Mao launched the Great Proletarian Cultuarl Revolution.
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    Nucear Arms Race

    Nuclear bombThe Soviet Union developed hydrogen bombs, which are more destructive than atomic bombs. People argued that nuclear war would destroy both sides, but each superpower wanted to be able to deter the other one from launching its nuclear weapons. Each side engaged in a race to match each other's new weapons resulting in "balance if terror." Both sides signed agreements setting limits.
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    Korean Conflict

    Korean ConflictIn early 1950, Kim II Sung called for a "heroic struggle" to reunite Korea. North Korean troops attacked in June of that year. The United Nations Security Council condemned the invasion. The United States organized a United Nations force to help South Korea. The Korean War turned to a stalemate. In 1953, both sides signed an armistice, or end to fighting.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union responded by forming its own military alliance, the Warsaw Pact. It included the Soviet Unionand seven satellites in Eastern Europe. The Warsaw Pact was often invoked by the Soviets to keep its satellites in order.
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    Communist Cuba

    Communist CubaIn the 1950's Fidel Castro organized an armed rebellion against the dictator who then ruled Cuba. By 1959, Castro had led his army to victory and set about transorming the country. This is know as the Cuban Revolution. He nationalized businesses, put most land under government control, and restricted Cubsn's political freedom.The USimposed a trade emburgo on Cuba that remains ineffect today.
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    Vietnam Conflict

    Vietnam ConflictAfter 1954, the struggle for Vietnam became part of the Cold War. Western and Communist agreed to a temporary division of Vietnam. By early 1960s, communist guerilla fighters appeared in the jungles of South Vietnam. American entered the war with Vietnam, they developed the domino theory. In the end, America got out of the war. Finally, in 1975, the Khmer Rouge overthrew the Cambodian government and the war was over.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Berlin was a key focus of the Cold War tensions. A massive exodus of low-paid East Germans, unhappy with communism, fled into West Berlin. To stop the flight, East Germany built a wall that sealed off West Berlin.
  • Missile Crisis

    Missile Crisis
    The Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba. President Kennedy responded by imposing a naval blockade that stopped Soviet Shipments. Kennedy demanded that the Soviet Union remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba. For a few days, the world faced a risk of nuclear war.
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    DetenteAmerican and Soviet arms control agreement led to an era of detente, or relxation of tensions during the 1970s. The American strategy under detente was to restrain the Soviet Union through diplomatic agreements instead of by military means. The detente ended in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
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    Soviets In Afghanistan

    Soviets In AfghanistanThe Soviet Union became involved in a long war in Afghanistan. Polcies would reduce the power of regional landlords and reforms. Fighting mujahedin, or Muslim religious warriors was very difficult for Afghanistan. The soviets had years of heavy casualities, high costs, and few successes. The struggle in Afghanistan provoked a crisis in morale for the Soviets at home. Mihail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union restructured the government and economy.
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    Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union FallsEastern European countries from Poland to Bulgaria broke out of the Soviet orbit beginning in 1989. The Baltic States broke out of the Soviet Union and regained full independence in 1991. At the end of 1991, the remaining Soviet republics separated to form 12 independent nations. After 69 years, the Soviet Union had ceased to exist.
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    Eastern European Independence

    Eastern European IndependenceIn 1968, when Czechoslovakia's defiance of Soviet control invasion, Hungrary quietly introduced economic reforms. It was allowed to go ahead with these reforms. In 1988 and 1989, the communist government allowed greater freedoms. Led by Lech Walesa, they organized Solidarity, an independent union. Vaclav Havel was elected president and opened the gates to the Berlin Wall. In 1992, the Slovaks and Czechs agreed to divide new nations.