Desegragation Timeline

  • Little Rock Centeral

    Day Little Rock Centeral founded
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    It was a court case were a girl counldn't go to centeral so here dad challenged them and won the case and that's is why they desegragated Centeral
  • Blossom Plan

    Plan to desegragate Little Rock Centeral
  • Federal Judge Orders Desegragation

    Date Federal Judge orders desegragate
  • White Citizen's Council Formed

    Date White Citizen's Council was formed
  • Charleston Schools Desegragate

    Charleston Schools desegragate
  • Last Graduating Class at Dunbar High

    Date of last grduating class
  • Emmett Till Dies

    A boy who was murdered for whistling at a white girl
  • Hoxie Schools Desegragate

    Date Hoxie schools desegragated
  • Southern Manifesto

  • Horace Mann School

    Date Horace Mann school opened
  • Fayetteville Public Schools Desegragate

  • Little Rock Nine are Escorted by Federal Troops

  • Faubus Gives Orders to National Guard

  • Elizabieth Eckford Desired

  • Expected Date of Centeral High Desegragating

  • Minnijean Brown Expelled

  • Ernest Green Graduateds From Centeral

  • Faubus Passes Special Law Allowing Him to Close Schools

  • Federal Court Rules School-closing as unconstitutional

  • Johnson Signs the Civil Rights Act

  • Malcolm X is Murdered

  • Bloody Sunday in Montgomery, Alabama

  • Voting Rights Act

  • Martin Luther King Marches on Washingtion