The Killing sea Colin Burk

By mouse11
  • Background

    A tsunami hit while Sarah family was out on their boat and could have been killed
  • Setting

    A island jungle in Aceh, Indonesia
  • Rising action 1

    Rising action 1
    You meet Ruslan's dad but then he leaves
  • Characters

    Ruslan: A yound Indonesian boy
    Sarah: A young American girl
    Peter: Sarah's brother
    Mom and Dad: Sarah's parents
  • Conflict

    Ruslans father left to go to his wife's relatives house and is now missing
  • Rising action 2

    Rising action 2
    Peter and sarah fought off a water buffalo
  • Rising action 3

    Rising action 3
    Peter is getting sick with a really bad fever
  • Rising action 4

    Rising action 4
    The island that Ruslan's dad was on got destroyed and Ruslan's dad could be dead
  • Rising action 5

    Sarah and Peter also lost their dad
  • Rising action 6

    Sarah was lookind for water in the jungle that day and she found her mother dead
  • Climax

    Ruslan Meets up with Sarah and Peter
  • Falling action 1

    Falling action 1
    They find Ruslan's dad's car
  • Falling action 2

    Falling action 2
    They find a doctor for Peter but the medicine he gave him did not work
  • Falling action 3

    Falling action 3
    They find another doctor named Aisyah who can help
  • Falling action 4

    Ruslan meets his uncles that survived but they do not know where his father is
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Peter is recavering wel and he is going to be fine
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Ruslan finally finds his dad with minor injuries and he is fine