Persian Gulf War

By erogers
  • Saddam Hussein comes to power in Iraq

  • Period: to

    Iran-Iraq War

  • Arab League Summit in Baghdad

    Saddam accuses Kuwait of stealing oil and thus engaging in "economic warfare" with Iraq
  • Iraq builds up forces on Kuwaiti border

  • Meeting between Saddam and U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie

    They meet in Baghdad, each side comes out of the meeting with a different understanding of what was discussed
  • Peace Talks between Iraq and Kuwait are broken off by Iraq

  • Iraq invades Kuwait

    At 1 am, Iraq invades Kuwait and builds up troops on the Saudi border.
  • Invasion is condemned

    the UN and President Bush condemn Saddam's invasion of Kuwait and call for immeadiate removal of troops
  • King Fahd of Saudi Arabia asks for military support

    In a meeting with Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, he asks for the US's military support
  • Deployment of US troops

    The first round of US troops are deployed to the Middle East.
  • Iraqi Annexation of Kuwait

    Later, on the 28th, he declared that Kuwait was Iraq's 19th province
  • Saddam makes demands

    Declares holy war against US and Israel and demands that foreign countries shut down their embassies in Kuwait
  • Removal of troops in Iran

  • UN demands release of hostages in Iraq

  • Iraq and US decide to have talks about Kuwait

  • Saddam releases Western hostages

  • UN sets deadline for withdrawl from Kuwait

    Iraq must remove troops by January 15, 1991
  • House Debates

    House and Senate debate over using force in Iraq/Kuwait
  • Votes in House

    Senate and Congress both allow Bush to "use all necessary means" abainst Iraq
  • Operation Desert Storm begins

  • Period: to

    Iraq fires scud missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia

  • Coalition's Ground Campaign Begins

  • Iraq announces withdrawl from Kuwait

  • Iraq agrees to UN cease-fire