Leading up to decision to escalate war

By arobson
  • (U.S.?) Gov't troops shot Buddhist monks

    Buddhists were observing a holiday when gov't troops opened fire against them. This resulted in large scale protests from buddhist monks. Numerous monks burned themselves alive, committing suicide in protest of the violent actions. This added to the destabilization of Southern Vietnam.
  • de Gaulle supports neutralization

    French President, Charles de Gaulle, makes a statement saying that Vietnam is one country and should not be broken up. It should be reunified and he was willing to help.
  • Coup D'etat (end of Diem)

    People of southern vietnam did not like Diem's style as a ruler. He was similar to the ancient emperors in that he was extremely proud and autocratic. His Military Generals grew power hungry and annoyed with his tyrannical ways. Kennedy urged Henry Cabot Lodge (the U.S. ambassador in Saigon) to encourage a coup d'etat because he no longer had confidence in Diem's capabilites in protecting Southern Vietnam from rising Communist pressure. On November 2, 1963, generals staged a coup.
  • John F. Kennedy assassinated

    President Kennedy was on his way to Dallas, Texas when he was shot and killed.
  • VP Johnson becomes President Johnson

    When Kennedy died, his vice President took his place.
  • Period: to

    Focus of Paper

  • South Vietnamese boats attacked North Vietnamese islands

    U.S.-directed South Vietnamese boats attacked two North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin which were thought to carry munitions.
  • Period: to

    "The most controversial period of the '25 year war'"

    During these nine days there was intense debate and probable deception. Basically, war was unofficially declared.
  • Tonkin Gulf Incident

    The Tonkin Gulf incident was a minor approximately twenty minute skirmish which ended with a clear American victory. However, the white house used it as...
  • North Vietnamese ships attack the Maddox

  • C. Turner Joy enters the Gulf of Tonkin

    C. Turner Joy enters the gulf of Tonkin
  • Second attack by North Vietnamese boats

    The Maddox supposedly gets attacked a second time by North Vietnamese boats.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

  • the Maddox enters "international waters"

    U.S. destroyer the Maddox enters "international waters" in the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson elected President

    Johnson wins election against Barry Goldwater by winning 44 of the 50 states.