
Go big or go home : By : Kira Hicks

By cougar
  • BackGround

    Will Hobbs is the award winning author of seventeen novels.
  • Settings

    Black Hills of South Dokota.
  • Characters

    Brady Steele
    Cousin Quinn
    Carver Boys
  • Conflict

    One Saturday morning, a big fire ball was coming dow and crashed into the house
  • Rising Action 1

    Rising Action 1
    Quinn had heard about the crash on tv!
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    Quinn had come over the next day at his house, and looked at Bradys ceiling and said, thats so sick, its wack.
  • Rising Actoin 3

    Rising Actoin 3
    Brady and Quinn were playing with the metorie and named it Fred.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    They went to the muesum and was tempted to buy new fossils.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action  6
    They found out from the scientist that it is a real astroid.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    There were huge fossils in the museum.
  • Climax

    Brady volunteered to be the finder when the scientist asked.
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    Carver Boys , Quinn, and Brady went fishing.
  • Falling Action 3

    They saw a lackers giants and gave it a name.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Quinn and Braddy went to a camp site. But Quinn did not sleep at all.
  • Falling Action 4

    Falling Action 4
    The ride back to Black Hill City was clouded with gloom
  • Falling Action 5

    Falling Action 5
    4 O'Clock they were right on time for the professor.
  • Resolution

    They were wondering how they would tell the outsiders. So the professor said '' the simpler the explenation th better''.
  • Resoution 2

    Resoution 2
    The professor said '' you must never let Fred leave the cave''!
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    Max had figured it all out he said, this is the story '' while we were searching for Attila, Brady woke up and let himself out of the Science lab