A crooked kind of perfect

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Abby Johnson!!!

  • exposition setting

    she lives near her best friend's house
  • exposition background

    annie is at home from school she had
  • exposition characters

    Annie-10 year old girl, turnung 11. she is a very happy and bubbly person.
    Annies dad-Is avery outgoing person and did things no one expected. He also worked alot.
  • rising action conflict

    rising action conflict
    Annies dad was supposed to get her a piano for her birthday but got her an organ instead. The sales guy convinced him to get the organ instead of the piano.
  • rising action 1

    rising action 1
    Annie is getting lessons from her organ teacher.
  • rising action 2

    Annie goes to her lessons and while her dad is at work.
  • rising action 3

    rising action 3
    Annie is going to perform on may 15. She hopes her dad can make it since he's always working.
  • rising action 4

    rising action 4
    Zoe becomes friends with Wayler Dougler.
  • rising action 5

    rising action 5
    Annie picks a small song to play and sing at her concert.
  • rising action 6

    rising action 6
    Annie is getting ready to sing at her concert at calligraphy hall.
  • climax

    She wants to quit the organ
  • falling action 1

    Wheeler Diggs follows Zoe home from school everyday.
  • falling action 2

    Zoe's mom works everyday and doesnt know if she can make it to her daughter's concert.
  • falling action 3

    Zoe's dad is very quirky and she doesnt know if he's going to come to see her perform.
  • resolution

    Zoe is singing and playing the organ at Calligraphy Hall.
  • resolution 2

    Zoe looks out in the crowd and doesnt see her dad but then half way through her preformance, he shows up.