
Dragon's Keep Leo Gehrman's book report

By lgg003
  • May 1, 1145

    Exposition 1: Background

    Princess Rosalind was born with a dragon claw on a finger because her mother drank from a dragon egg to quicken the healing of a wound she had.
  • May 1, 1145

    Exposition 2: Characters

    Exposition 2: Characters
    Princess Rosalind, Mother, Father, Sir Magnus, Kye ( the dragonslayer ), 2 Dragons, and Kit.
  • May 1, 1145

    Exposition 3: setting

    This story takes place in a medeival castle town on an island south of England, called Wilde island (Which is made up,I checked). Most people go there because they are sent since they did something wrong. Wilde Island used to have fairies and such, but they left when the humans came.
  • May 2, 1145

    rising action 1

    rising action 1
    Princess Rosalind was born with a dragon claw on a finger and if anyone sees it she would be called a devil. She hides it by wearing a pair of golden gloves.
  • May 3, 1145

    rising action 2

    She and her Mother go to a witch to try to get rid of the claw.
  • May 3, 1145

    rising action 3

    rising action 3
    When the witch fails to get rid of the claw Princess Rosalind escapes and hides in a bush. She knows it will never go away, and she doesn't want anything happening to her finger. A dragon attacks and eats a sheppard boy while she's hiding.
  • May 4, 1145

    rising action: 4

    Rosie and her mother continue to go to healers, but none helped at all.
  • May 5, 1145

    rising action: 5

    Someone is killed, nobody knows how it happened. The villagers suspect a witch because he was found in a witch's cave.
  • May 6, 1145

    rising action:6

    The villagers burn the witch thinking she did it. Rosalind has mixed feelings about it.
  • May 7, 1145

    rising action: 7

    All of the witch's spells are being broken, Rosalind's friend Kit had a hex on her that kept her from speaking and now she can.
  • May 8, 1145

    rising action: 8

    rising action: 8
    The dragon strikes again and kills another villager. They keep trying to kill her, but don't succeed.
  • May 10, 1145


    Dragonslayer Kye is attacked by the dragon while on a boat trying to get to Wilde Island. He uses his sword to cut the dragon's throat. The dragon is dead.
  • May 10, 1145

    falling action: 1

    falling action: 1
    Everybody celebrates by feasting. They are confident about their future lives without the threat of thedragon (they don't know there were two dragons!).
  • May 12, 1145

    falling action: 2

    falling action: 2
    The dragon's mate comes the the island and attempts to retrieve the slain dragon. She is too heavy so he burns the body and takes Princess Rosalind captive.
  • May 13, 1145

    falling action: 3

    falling action: 3
    Rosalind is held captive on Dragon's Keep. She is forced to help with the dragon eggs that are about to hatch by keeping them warm and making a bitter liquid for when they hatch.
  • May 14, 1145

    falling action: 4

    falling action: 4
    The dragon eggs hatch and there are four more dragons. She helps take care of them until they can hunt on their own.
  • May 15, 1145

    falling action: 5

    She's there for one month. While there she agrees not to talk to humans if the dragon won't kill any more humans. The queen agrees not to try to rescue her for fear people will find out about her claw finger.
  • Jun 1, 1145

    Falling action 6

    While Rosalind is on the island the father dragon teaches the babies how to fly and hunt. He drops Rosalind off a cliff thinking she will also fly. He catches her.
  • Jun 15, 1145

    falling action: 7

    Kit travels to Dragon's Keep to rescue Rosalind. During a storm Kit drowns while saving one of the baby dragons. The father dragon is so grateful and touched that he cries. When a dragon cries they die. The babies then fly Rosalind home.
  • Jun 16, 1145

    resolution 1

    resolution 1
    Once Rosalind is back on Wilde Island the kingdom holds a trial to see if she is a witch or the real princess.
  • Jun 17, 1145

    resolution 2

    resolution 2
    Princess Rosalind is proven to be a real princess when she touches a golden sceptor and it glows. This matches the legend.She marries Kye the dragonslayer.
  • Jun 18, 1145

    resolution 3

    resolution 3
    Princess Rosalind lives a normal life as the beloved and respected queen of Wilde Island. Eventually everyone knows about her claw finger and doesn't care.