
dragon's keep lucy irwin

  • May 7, 1145

    Exposition 1- Background

    Exposition 1- Background
    Rosalind is the twenty-first princess in the Pendragon line of royals to have the curse, a dragon's talon. She must clip it daily, very painfully. Her nickname is Rosie.
  • May 7, 1145

    exposition 2- setting

    exposition 2- setting
    Rosie lives in a castle on Wilde island.
  • May 7, 1145

    Exposition 3- Characters- who's who

    Exposition 3- Characters- who's who
    Rosie, her mother (the queen),Kye: Rosie's lover; he comes in later, and Marn (her trusted nursemaid)
  • May 8, 1145

    Rising action 1- Conflict- Magda dies

    Rising action 1- Conflict- Magda dies
    Magda, Rosie's favorite little kitchen girl, gets carried away by a dragon and eaten
  • May 10, 1145

    Rising action 2- Rosie runs away...

    Rising action 2- Rosie runs away...
    Rosie runs away from an evil witch called Demetra, who Rosie's mother took Rosie to to heal her talon,but Demetra wanted to cut off the talon instead. A dragon comes as Rosie runs away and scoops her up and ends up kissing her talon and letting her go free
  • May 13, 1145

    Rising action 3- Rosie takes Kit

    Rising action 3- Rosie takes Kit
    Rosie takes Demetra's servant girl, Kit, because Kit's mother begged for her to take Kit, and brings her to the castle to save her from Demetra's beatings.
  • May 14, 1145

    Rising action 4- Marn dies, and Rosie is grieving

    Rising action 4- Marn dies, and Rosie is grieving
    Marn sees Rosie's awful cursed talon and runs screaming that Rosie has leprosy and later Rosie finds her floating in the moat, dead. Everyone says she probably fell in out of shock (they don't know about Rosie's talon), but Rosie knows that Marn would never do anything like that and insists that she was pushed.
  • May 15, 1145

    Risingh action 5- Demetra- status- dead

    Risingh action 5- Demetra- status- dead
    Demetra is burned for witchcraft
  • May 15, 1145

    Rising action 6- KIt and Rosie save Kit's Mother

    Rising action 6- KIt and Rosie save Kit's Mother
    Kit and Rosie ride alone to Demetra's house and rescue Ali, Kit's mother from being burned for witchcraft
  • May 15, 1145

    Rising action 7- Kit is free from Demetra's curse

    Rising action 7- Kit is free from Demetra's curse
    Kit, who before, was a mute, because Demetra cast a spell on her and stuffed a wraith down her throat when she was a baby, can talk now because Demetra's spell died with her.
  • May 16, 1145

    Rising Action 8- Kit must leave

    Rising Action 8- Kit must leave
    Kit is sent away to a nunnery because Rosie's mother, the queen, thinks that she is putting Rosie in danger
  • May 19, 1145

    Falling action 1- CLIMAX- Rosie is taken by a dragon who...

    Falling action 1- CLIMAX- Rosie is taken by a dragon who...
    Rosie is taken by a dragon who expects her to do all his dirty work and chores
  • May 21, 1145

    Falling action 2-the dragon expects Rosie to learn his language..

    Falling action 2-the dragon expects Rosie to learn his language..
    The dragon, whose name is Lord Faul, fully expects Rosie to learn dragon tongue with his dead mate's newborn dragon pips (dragon babies).
  • May 22, 1145

    Falling action 3- Kit appears when Rosie is with the dragons

    Falling action 3- Kit appears when Rosie is with the dragons
    The dragons and Rosie are gathering wood in the stream when Kit comes, andat first, the dragons do not see Kit, and Rosie tries to get rid of her so that the dragons don't see her, but she dosen't listen and comes over.
  • May 22, 1145

    Falling action 4 - Kit dies

    Falling action 4 - Kit dies
    One of the baby dragons falls over the waterfall and Kit, who has a great love for animals, dives over the edge and saves the pip's life, but loses her own.
  • May 26, 1145

    Falling action 6-Rosie almost dead

    Falling action 6-Rosie almost dead
    Magnus is going to make Rosie walk the burning hot coals and then hang her
  • May 26, 1145

    Resolution 1- Kye saves Rosie

    Resolution 1- Kye saves Rosie
    Kye, a dragon slayer who Rosie's fallen in love with comes and shows all Queen Evanine's sceptre, proving Rosie to be of Royal blood.
  • May 26, 1145

    Resolution 2- Kye proves Rosie innocent

    Resolution 2- Kye proves Rosie innocent
    Kye shows all Rosie's diary and it proves her innocent
  • May 26, 1145

    Resolution 3- Kye frees all

    Resolution 3- Kye frees all
    Kye frees Rosie from hanging and Aliss, who was in the dungeon.
  • May 26, 1145

    Falling action 5- Rosie is rejected

    Falling action 5- Rosie is rejected
    Rosie goes back to her village to find her mother and father dead, and Magnus, the lying old fake "sorcerer" in power, and he dosen't believe that she is the real royal pendragon Rosie, not a fake Rosie.She will have concequences.