SWINDLE BY: Danny Manley

  • Exsposition1 Background

    Griffin the man with the plan. Sets up a sleepover at the old rockfords house!
  • Exposition2 Setting

    The old man rockfords house which is going to be smashed down the next day.
  • Exsposition3 Characters

    Griffin:the man with the plan Ben:griffens best friend (he is the smallest kid in the grade)
  • Rising action:conflict

    Rising action:conflict
    Griffin gets the card and sells it to SWINDLE for 100$ and its realy 1 millon
  • Rising action1

    Rising action1
    He see's swindle on tv talking about how it completes a set that he has. Swindle says it is the second most valuable card im the world.
  • Rising action2

    When Griffin asks for it back Swindle sayes he sold it but he lied.
  • Rising action 3

    Rising action 3
    Griffin makes a plan to get inside the store!
  • Rising action 4

    Griffin is trying to get ben to be in the plan.
  • Rising action 5

    Griffin is calling ben a traitor.
  • Rising action 6

    Rising action 6
    When the break in there is no case were it was before.
  • Rising action 7

    Rising action 7
    Then they fond out that swindle brought the card home with luther.
  • Cimax

    They found the card in a turky.
  • Falling acion1

    Darren steals the card then it flys into a tree.
  • Falling action2

    Falling action2
    They noticed they left the rope in the house when the police got Darren because he is the only person in town with that gear.
  • Falling action3

    Darren gets in trouble at school after ben has to tell on him.
  • Resolution1

    They got the money and Griffin stayed in his house.
  • Resolution2

    Savannah adops luther after he goes in the shelter.
  • Resolution3

    Swindles shop closes and it turns into an antique museam.