
Saavy alex a.

  • Period: to


  • Exposition 1 - Backround

    Exposition 1 - Backround
    Mibs' older brother just turned thirteen and discovered his savvy-the power to call hurricanes.The hurricane happened all of a sudden , it was the shortest on record. the family moved inland - nowhere from large bodies of water (middle of the united states. Mibs is ten years - old at the time.
  • Exposition 2 -Setting

    The family moved to a strip of land between Nebraska and Kansas. On Monday through Wednesday it was called "Kansaska" on Thursday through Saturday it was called "Nebrasas". Nowhere near water - the last thing they needed was a hurricane tme size of Texas.
  • Rising action 1 - Conflict

    Rising action 1 - Conflict
    It is Samson's birthday, as all of the family are waiting for Papa to arrive home from work. Papa never comes home, the phone rings . The family hears the shocking news, Papa has been in an accident !
  • Rising action 3

    Mibs snuck on a bus supposubly heading to Salina. Later on the bus heads the wrong way!
  • Exposition 2 - Charachters

    Mibs is a twelve year - old girl who gets her saavy in three days. Her brother Fish is sixteen years - old and is the cause of the hurricane on June 21st 2006. According to Rocket (Mibs' brother he is the same age as fish ) the girls in the family don't get the power ful savvys.
  • Rising action 2

    Rising action 2
    It is seven minouts until nine O' clock and everyone is eating, in less than one minout after nine O'clock all of the lights go out with a shater of all of the lightbulbs. Samson's saavy has been discovered. His saavy is un controlable.
  • Rising action 4

  • Period: to