Thousand never evers image 1

A Thousand Never Evers- Morgan Comisac

  • exposition 1- background

    exposition 1- background
    The Picett family may not be rich but Uncle Bump gives a whole dollar to any Picett that graduates Acorn Elementary.
  • exposition 3- characters

    exposition 3- characters
    Addie ann and Elias' father mama's husband died of pneumonia a couple months before Addie Ann was born and she's sad because he is missing her whole life and now they live with their Uncle Bump who know takes care of the family. Elias Addie ann's older brother got to be with father while he was younger but it has been hardest on Elias and Mama that father passed away. Uncle Bump helps the family as best as he could to act like father.
  • exposition 2- setting

    exposition 2- setting
    Farming is a big job especialy in Old Man Adam's garden is 6 acres the biggest in town.
  • rising action 2 during the night

    rising action 2 during the night
    Elias stops by quickly while mama rubs onions on his shoes and poars whisky on his head to confuse the police dog coming after him by the time Addie Ann goes out of her room he's gone and mama shoes her back in.
  • rising action 1- conflict the white lady, flapjack and the honey jar

    rising action 1- conflict the white lady, flapjack and the honey jar
    When Addie Ann accidentaly stares at a white ladies outfit, Elias tries to save her cat flapjack from Mrs. Worths son a football player he smashes a honey jar over his head and must jump into the bayou to run away.
  • rising action 3- The garden club meeting

    rising action 3- The garden club meeting
    At the garden club meeting Addie Ann's employer Mrs. Tate talks to the mayor about integration in the schools but he says its nothing but a thousand never evers and Mrs Worth thinks the negroes are going to start wnting to swim in the same pool as the whites.
  • rising action- the tea and the insult

    rising action- the tea and the insult
    When Mama accidentaly spills tea on Mrs Tate's carpet Mrs Worth says she's too old and Mrs Tate should get a new maid, but Miss Springer waves to her like no big deal don't fret about it.
  • rising action 4- the cheat in the garden

    rising action 4- the cheat in the garden
    Addie Ann and her family feel like they have been cheated since they see all of the seeds planted in the feild and walk away with only $12.50 in Uncle Bumps pocket for a day of sweaty hard work in the blazing sun.
  • rising action 5- Ralphie and his first word

    rising action 5- Ralphie and his first word
    Ever since Mrs Tate got her baby son Ralphie a stuffed dog he loves it sooo much, now that Addie Ann is taking care of him she got him to say his very first word "Doggie" but the real reason she is excited is because she is hoping for a raise.
  • rising action 6- mama's losing faith?

    rising action 6- mama's losing faith?
    Addie Ann still has faith that Elias is is alive but she is worried that mama is startingto lose faith in him from the night conversations with Uncle Bump.
  • climax- the truth comes out

    climax- the truth comes out
    When Bessie leads Addie Ann into the corn stalks to Elias she has releif excitement and overwhelment when he tells Addie Ann the truth about her father that he didnt die of pneumonia he was murdered through her whole life her family all the people she trusted were lying to her it didn't make any sense.
  • falling action 1- the bombing

    falling action 1- the bombing
    The Sheriff blames Uncle Bump for the destruction of the crop in Old Man Adam's garden that is now covered in beans and bombs the Picett's house and takes Uncle Bump so he can go to court in the morning.
  • rising action 7- The Garden crash

    rising action 7-  The Garden crash
    The Negroes decide to go to Old Man Adam's farm when the whites are there even though blacks are not invited till noon, Addie Ann's mother tells her she can't go but she disobeys her mother and goes with Cool Breaze.
  • falling action 2- the court room

    falling action 2- the court room
    Addie Ann speaks in the court room and tells about the night when she saw a man burrying something in the woods and gets them to go find it with her.
  • falling action 3- in the woods

    falling action 3- in the woods
    Addie Ann shows the court the spot where she saw the man bury the "something" she gets in trouble with Mrs. Tate because she brought them all out here when they don't even know what was burried. When they find the butter bean sacks the judge denyes it and thinks Uncle Bump burried them their to frame Mr Mudge
  • falling action 6- job or no job

    falling action 6- job or no job
    Even though Mama doesn't like begging at white people Addie Ann and Mama had to go to Mrd Tate to see if they still had their jobs working for her, she said her husband was too upset at the time and she was going to have to take care of the household by herself from now on.
  • resolution 1- Hattisburg

    resolution 1- Hattisburg
    Even though the family is waiting for Addie Ann to finish the school year Elias has decided to go to Hattisburg to help with the freedom speech.
  • resolution 2- say yes

    resolution 2- say yes
    After pleading to Mama and Uncle Bump they decide that they can stay in Kukachoo untill Addie Ann finishes the school year at the county colored.
  • falling action 5- the house

    falling action 5- the house
    For now the Picett family is living in their neighbors house who is the family of Addie Ann's best friend while Elias has to make the best of living in their neighbors pantry.
  • falling action 4- we're leaving?

    falling action 4- we're leaving?
    Addie Ann's family decide to leave Kukachoo they feel they are not ment to live their it will now be safer for the whole family to live in a different place from now on.