
Forbidden Forest SINGH

  • Exposition:1 Backround

    Exposition:1 Backround
    Samuel and Martha live with their Aunt Eda and they have too many rules, but the main rule is they can't go in the forest because 10 years ago their uncle went into the forest and never came back.
  • Exposition:2 Setting

    Exposition:2 Setting
    Norway, The Forest, Anut Eda's House.
  • Exposition:3 Characters

    Exposition:3 Characters
    Samuel 11 years old
    Martha 10 years old
    Aunt Eda 53 years old
    The Dog
  • Rising Action:1 Conflict

    Rising Action:1 Conflict
    Martha keeps on thinking about what can be in the forest. Then after a long time and a lot of thinking Martha goes into the forest.
  • Rising Action:2

    Rising Action:2
    Samuel is waiting for Martha to come out the forest and he is scered because he thinks Martha is traped.
  • Rising Action:4

    Rising Action:4
    The dog and Samule to look for Martha in the forest.
  • Rising Action: 3

    Rising Action: 3
    It is up to Samuel and the Dog to save Martha.
  • Rising Action:5

    Rising Action:5
    In the forest Martha is captured in the prison.
  • Climax/ Turing Point:1

    Climax/ Turing Point:1
    The aunt goes into forest.
  • Falling Action:1

    Falling Action:1
    The witches help Martha get out of the trap.
  • Falling Action:2

    Falling Action:2
    Martha now gets traped in the hole, fire starts.
  • Falling Action:3

    Falling Action:3
    Samule sees the fire and then runes towrds the fire he sees and that leads him towrds the hole.
  • Falling Action:4

    Falling Action:4
    Samule Martha find each other for 3 seconds and they lost each other agian.
  • Resoultion:1

    The kids get turned into animals then back to humans.
  • Resoultion:2

    First when the Uncle come out of the forest, but he came out as a dog and now dog gets turned back to the Uncle.
  • Resoultion:3

    Everybody gets out of the forest.