
Diamond Willow By : Brian McCartin

  • Exposition:backround,characters,and setting

    Exposition:backround,characters,and setting
    Willow:Main character Roxy:Main dog Alaska,the woods Willow is born
  • Rising Action:1Conflict

    Rising Action:1Conflict
    Willow wants to go to her granparents, but her parents wont let her.
  • Rising action 2

    Rising action 2
    Willows parents decide to let her go. she is on her way mushing three dogs and Roxy hurts her eyes, she is bleeding and they have to turn around.Her parents want to put roxy to sleep.
  • Rising Action3

    Rising Action3
    Willows parents want to put roxy to sleep so Willow makes a plan to take roxy to her grandparents. She asks her friend kaylie to go with her.
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Willow and Kaylie are going to her granparents Willow is mushing Kaylie is holding Roxy.

    There is a huge snowstorm and they miss there marker so they get lost in the middle of nowhere. Willow and Kaylie go to bed.
  • Falling action 2

    Falling action 2
    willows grandparents call her parents and they come over. They talk about Roxy and decide not to put her to sleep. Then willow finds out she had a sister but she died.
  • Falling Action 3

    After they talked about her sister they went back home.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    The snow cleared up in the morning and Willow remembers where the marker is. There here a snowmobile and start to leave in there sled. It was there friend and he wanted to take kaylie home. Kaylie says yes and willow goes to her grandparents.
  • Exposition

    Roxy is getting better and willow keeps thinking about diamond willow and roxy have alot of fun