Sykes-Picot agreement
The Sykes-Picot agreement seperated the Middle East into British and French mandates. Many Arabs thought that they should govern themselves. -
The Young Turk Rebellion
The Young Turk Rebellion was supported by European powers(Britain specifically) and promised to support Arab independence. This was not true as we can see from the Pykes-Sicot agreement. -
Balfour declaration
Fall of the Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman empire had been in decline, the loss in WW1 sent it over the top amd into a crash. This led to the seperation of its land with the Sykes-Picot agreement. This is an approvimate time of fall because it had been struggling and losing territory for years. -
Independence of Kuwait
Until 1960 Kuwait was a protectorate of Britain. In 1960 Kuwait declared independence and Britain allowed it and would give military aid if Kuwait requested. Iraq then attacked Kuwait but was repelled by Arab and British troops. The Arab Leage recognized Kuwaits independence on July 20th 1961.