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1950's Civil Rights Timeline

  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Thurgood Marshall was an African American attorny. Linda Brown was denied admission due to her race. Dismissed seperate but equal and integrated school and facilities.
  • Rosa Parks Refused to Give Up Bus Seat

    Rosa Parks Refused to Give Up Bus Seat
    Rosa Parks sat in the white's section of thee public bus. She refused to give her seat up and was arrested. Which started the bus boycott.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycot Begins

    Montgomery Bus Boycot Begins
    Because of Rosa Parks' arrest. It was a dramatic success. Martin Luther king Jr. led them. Boycott bus rides.
  • Congress Signed the Southern Manifesto

    Congress Signed the Southern Manifesto
    Denounced the Supreme Court's ruling as "a clear abuse of judicial power" and to revers the ecision of Brown vs. Board of Education. Had no legal standing.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference Founded

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference Founded
    Set out to eliminate segresation from American society and to encourage African Americans to register too vote. Dr. King 1st President.
  • Integration of Schools

    Integration of Schools
    In Little Rock, Arkansas, admitted 9 African Americans to all white school. National Guard had to escort students in to the school to enfore integration.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    Intended t protect the rght of African Americans to vote. Weaker law than originally intende but was still passed 2 million African American voters were registered.