Brown v board of education

Brown vs. Board

By hindman
  • brown vs board

    brown vs board
    in the brown vs board court case a little american black girl was denined admistion into her neighbor hood school in topeka kansas because of her race i was an impact cause i would save her time fro walking
  • Bus Boycott

    Bus Boycott
    After rosa parks was arrested for not moving for the white woman, al all the african american people decided to go on strike and not ride the busses and try to get decegration. it was an impact cause not one black person rode the bus an they eventually got their way
  • The Southern Manifesto

    The Southern Manifesto
    a group of 101 southern members of congress signed the southern manifesto. it gave rights to blacks an they have never had any rights before that
  • The Crisis In Little Rock

    The Crisis In Little Rock
    The school board in little rock arkansa won a court case to admit 9 african american students to central high, a school with 2000 white students.impact was the blacks an whites went to school together
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    This was intended to protect the right of african americans to vote. impact was blacks were allowed to vote. after the civil rights act blcks had alot more freedom.