Timeline for revolutions

  • English bill of rights

  • Seven years war peace treaty between Great Britan and France

  • Stamp act passed by British Parliament as a direct taxation of NorthAmerican colonies, sons of liberty and others organize to protest and resist the stamp act

  • Repeal of Stamp act

  • Townsend Act, new revenuetaxes on North American Colonies

  • Riots in Boston met with violenceby British troops

  • Boston tea party

  • First continental congress

  • Declaration of independce

  • American and French representativessign two peace treaties: a treaty of amity and commerce and a treaty of alience

  • ratification of constitutionof the united states

  • Estates general convened for the first time in174 years in france

  • Storming of the Bastille, prision in paris

  • National constituent assembly and french declaration of rights of men

  • Beheading of king Louis XVI

  • Slave rebelion in Saint Domingue

  • U.S Bill of rights ratifyed by the states

  • French national assembly gives citizenship to all free people of color in saint domingue

  • France declares war on Austria

  • France declares war on Britan

  • All slaves on Saint Domingue emancipated by french revolutionary authoritiesto join the french army and fight the British

  • Toussant leads troops against the British

  • French clolnial forces defested by Toussant

  • Toussant negotiates peace with Britan

  • War ends between Britan and France

  • Constitution for Haiti

  • General Lecerc sent by Napolean to subdue colony and re- institute slavery

  • New declaration between Britan and france

  • French withdraw troops; hatians declare independence

  • Napolean Corwns himself emperor of france

  • Jean-Jaques dessalines corwns himself emperor of Haiti

  • U.S president Jefferson declares economic boycot in Haiti, france and great britan

  • French occupation in Spain

  • British end slave trade

  • Declarations of self government in most latin american countries

  • French Expelled form Spain

  • Napolean defeated and french empire reduced in europeto france alone

  • French abloish slavery

  • U.S president Monroe declares doctirne against European interfearencewith new republics in the americas, known as the Monroe doctrine