The Star is... uh...Baptised?
Beethoven was baptised on Decmber 17, 1770. He was born in Bonn,even though his family was orginally from Brabent. www.lvbeethoven.com -
Right Preformance,Wrong Age
At age 7(and a half), on March 26,1778 Beethoven gave his first public preformance in Colonge. His father annonced he was 6 so until he recived his baptim certificate,which he thought was his brothers, Ludwig Marie, he thought he was younger, but he wasn't.
www.lvbeethoven.com -
The Letter...
A letter that called Beethove back to Bonn said his mother was dying. The only person in his family whom he had developed strong and loving relationship had died. www.lvbeethoven.com -
The Prince calls...,,,,
Prince Maximillain Fraz was also aware of Beethoven`s gift and so he sent Beethoven to vienna, in 1787, to meet Mozart and to Furrher his musical education.
www.lvbeethoven.com -
Beethoven Meets Haydn...(Stark)
In July 1792 the reowed compser Haydn passed through Bonn on his way to Vinna. He met Beethoven and was impressed and perhaps , unsettled with his work.
www.google.com -
We couldn't find the date. So, we put in Jan.1. Around 1796 Beethoven began to loose his hearing.
www.ansewers.com -
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The First Symphony
"Beethoven's First" (in D Minor) was Beethoven's first symphony.
www.google.com -
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His Third
Symphony # 3 was in flat E major. It represents Beethoven being one of the most known composer.
www.lvbeethoven.com -
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This is his fifth...
Beethoven's fifth was the most popular (and it was a third). -
EURAEKA or is it EROCIA?????
Beethoven's first Erocia was played for the first time. Congradulations!!!!
www.lvbeethoven.com -
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Seventh is the Best...I think
Bethoven was working on his 7th symphony while improving his health in Bohemian.
www.google.com -
Eighth Symphony in F Minor
Beethoven's 8th symphony had 4 movements and was refered to as 'my little symphony in F Minor". -
Super Composer + Super Composer =superer Composer (is that even a word?)
Beethoven met Goethe, under the organisation of Bettina Brentan. These two great men admierd each other but didn`t undersand each other. www.lvbeethoven.com -
A Dead Brother is a Bad Brother
Beethoven's brother, Kaspar Karl, died. He left behind his wife whom was refered to "The Queen of the Night". www.lvbeethoven.com -
Diabelli Variations
the Diabelli Variations was a set of variations for the piano written by Beethoven.
www.google.com -
The Last Symphony...for now
Beethoven's 9th symphony in D Minor was the final complete symphony by Beethoven.
www.goggle.com -
The Grand Academy
Beethoven proformed symphony 9 to the headmaster of the Grand Academy.
www.google.com -
Midnight OPERA not OPRHA
After his finishing his oprea, Beethoven had a public performance for it.
www.buzzle.com -
Beethoven passed away in circled by his closest friends on March 26,1827, just as a storm brocke out. www.lvbeethoven.com -
...And the Musican lives on!!!!!!!!!!!
Beethoven may be dead, but he is still famous. Many of Beethoven`s "Sonatas" can be found on "itunes", or any other music source. You can also go to one of his concerts!!!!!! (Just Kidding!!!!)