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Fahrenheit 451 time line <3

  • Meets Clarrise

    Meets Clarrise
    Clarrise is a very unique 17 year old. Who helps open Montag's eyes as far as what he thinks of life.
  • Period: to

    fahrenhiet 451 <3

  • Mildred's Overdose

    Mildred's Overdose
    One day after Montag comes home from work he finds Mildred asleep on the bed as he kicks over a pill bottle. He then finds out she has overdosed on sleeping pills and calls 911 right away.
  • The Suicide

    The Suicide
    Montag and his fire buddies arrive to work to find the fire alarm going off. They come to find that a lady's house is full of books. When the lady refuses to let them burn her books, she sets her own house on fire burning herself.
  • The truth comes out.

    The truth comes out.
    Montag is secretly reading behind Mildreds back. Mildred finds his book under his pillow.
  • Meeting Faber

    Meeting Faber
    Montag meets Faber and they talk about books. Faber shows Montag the bible. Montag starts to read the bible secretly.
  • Reading the Bible.

    Reading the Bible.
    After Montag admits to Mildred that he is reading, She tries to get him to stop and he finally pursuades her to read with him.
  • Beatty forces Montag....

    Beatty forces Montag....
    After Mildred founds out Montag was reading the bible she rats him out to the fire station. Beatty forces Montag to burn his own books and home after he finds out he has been reading.
  • Beatty Tries to Arrest Montag.

    Beatty Tries to Arrest Montag.
    Beatty tries to arrest Montag. So after Beatty makes Montag burn his own books and house Montag burns him.
  • The Runaway

    The Runaway
    After The police are after Montag for killing beatty, he fleads the town. He had to find a place no one would find him. So he runs to the forest and meets some hobos
  • The Bombing

    The Bombing
    Bombs are dropped on the town and every one dies. So sad that this happened. Montag was never seen(except by his new hobo family) or found.
  • THE END!!!!

    THE END!!!!
    THE END!!!!!!!!!!
    done by:
    Megan Briggs
    Brianna Allen
    Mallory Gray
    Tyler Copeland.