Photo 149

Katrina M. Sewell`s timeline

By mbutler
  • birth

    This is my birthday I born in Lake Forest Hospital at around 9:30
  • when i first got my ears pierced

    when i first got my ears pierced
    i got my ears pierced 6 months after i was born exciting right? (i got my ears pierced on Alissa`s birthday what a coinincidence.) Alissa and I live right by each other and we just found out this year. cool huh?
  • when i started school

    when i started school
    i started school when i was three years old at pre-school.
  • kindergarten

    i was off for kindergarten and i was very excited and met a lot of people
  • 5th grade!!!

    5th grade!!!
    i became a great american! woohoo!! the day before spring break and the dead line was the 23