Photo 2

Alissa Ramsden

By mbutler
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    Alissa was born at 1:40p.m in Lake Forest Illinois.
  • Alissa gets a brother

    Alissa gets another brother today. His name is Jack.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Alissa's frist day of kindergarten at Gurnee Grade School. Her teacher is Mrs.Hoke.
  • soccer championships

    soccer championships
    Alissa goes to the National Championships in Orlando Florida. She placed 8th.
  • Alissa became a Great American

    Alissa became a Great American
    Alissa has passed all of the requierments to become a Great American.
  • Alissa made a timeline

    Alissa made a timeline
    Today Alissa made a timeline in tech about her life. This is my Tech teacher Mr.utler