Mikayla's life (timeline)

By mbutler
  • born

    I was born on April 26, 1999. At Lake Forest Hospital. I had two older sisters.
  • My first ears pierce

    My first ears pierce
    I got my first ears pierce! I was 3 years old! I was soo excited! I got them and I ran up too my mom and said look at my ears! yahoo
  • Kindergarten

    Today was my First day of kindergarten!
    it was AWSOME. I met a lot of friends. I had a best friend named Sadie LaBelle. I had so much fun and I couldn't wait till tomorrow!
  • I'm still in 5th grade

    I'm still in 5th grade
    I'm still in 5th grade and I'm a Great American! The dead line was the 23rd of April. I became one on April 14th.
  • 5 years later

    5 years later
    Now I'm in 5th grade. And I have a lot of friends! I am still friends with Sadie and I have two other good friends named, Alissa, and Katrina
  • my tech teacher

    my tech teacher
    My tech teacher taught me how to do this! he's the best! yahoo! Mr. Butler