Robert E Lee Born
Robert E. Lee is born at Stratford Hall in Westmoreland County, VA. * Lee’s father “Light-Horse Harry Lee” was a hero of the American Revolution and a friend of George Washington. -
Lee graduates from West Point
Lee graduates 2ndin his West Point class. * He becomes the first student to graduate without having received a single demerit. * Fellow cadets give Lee the nickname “Marble Model”. * He is commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Corps of Engineers. -
Lee is married
Lee marries Mary Custis (great-granddaughter of Martha Washington) at her family’s plantation Arlington House. * The Lees have seven children during their marriage. -
Lee serves during war with Mexico
Lee serves on the staff of General Winfield Scott and is promoted to brevet major. -
Lee becomes superintendent of West Point.
John Brown's raid
Lee leads troops in putting down John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. -
Lee offered command of Union Army
General Winfield Scott offers Lee command of the Union Army -
Virginia seceedes
The Virginia convention votes in favor of secession. -
Lee resigns
Lee resigns from the United States Army. -
Lee named commander of Confederate forces
Lee accepts command of the military and naval forces of Virginia. * Virginia state forces become part of the Confederate forces. * Lee is sent to defend western Virginia. * Lee purchases his famous warhorse, Traveller. * Lee is called to Richmond to serve as a military advisor to President Davis.