
English 12 British Literature

  • 500

    The Seafarer

    Burton Raffel, Translator
  • 520

    from Gilgamesh The Prologue

    David Ferry, Translator
  • 550

    The Wanderer

    Charles W. Kennedy, Translator
  • 570

    The Wife's Lament

    Ann Stanford, Translator
  • Jan 3, 750


    The Wrath of Grendel,
    The Coming of Beowulf,
    The Battle with Grendel,
    The Monster's Lair,
    The Battle with Grendel's Mother,
    The Last Battle,
    The Spoils,
    The Farewell, *Epic
  • May 5, 1200

    from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
    Marie Borroff, Translator
  • May 5, 1300


    Twa Corbies,
    Lord Randall,
    Get Up and Bar the Door,
    Barbara Allan
  • Period: Jan 1, 1485 to

    The English Renaissance Period

  • May 5, 1486

    Edmund Spencer

    Sonnet 1,
    Sonnet 35,
    Sonnet 75
  • May 5, 1500

    Sir Phillip Sidney

    Sonnet 31,
    Sonnet 39
  • May 5, 1550

    The Passionate Shepard to His Love

    Christopher Marlowe
  • May 5, 1580

    The Nymph's Reply to the Shepard

    Sir Walter Raleigh
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    Sonney 29,
    Sonnet 106,
    Sonnet 116,
    Sonnet 130,
    The Tragedy of Macbeth
  • Franscesco Petrarch

    Sonnet 18
    Sonnet 28
  • Commissioned by King James

    from The King James Bible
    Psalm 23
    from The Sermon on the Mount
    The Parable of the Prodigal Son
  • Period: to

    The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

  • John Donne

    A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,
    Holy Sonnet 10,
    Meditation 17
  • Ben Jonson

    On My First Son,
    Song: To Celia
  • Johnathan Swift

    from Gulliver's Travels,
    from a Voyage to Liliput,
    A Modest Proposal
  • from The Rape of the Lock

    Alexander Pope
  • Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

    Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
    Thomas Gray
    Anne Fitch, Countess
  • Period: to

    The Romantic Period

  • To a Mouse

    To a Mouse
    Robert Burns
  • William Blake

    The Lamb,
    The Tiger
  • William Wordsworth

    Tintern Abbey,
    from The Prelude,
    The World is Too Much With Us,
    London, 1802
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    The Time of the Ancient Mariner
    Kubla Khan
  • George Gordon/ Lord Byron

    She Walks In Beauty,
    from Don Juan
  • Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Ode to the West Wind,
    To a Skylark
  • John Keats

    When I Have Fears I May Cease to Be,
    Ode to a Nightingale,
    Ode on a Grecian Urn
  • Period: to

    The Victorian Period

  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson

    from In Memorian, A.H.H.,
    The Lady of Shalott,
  • Robert Browning

    My Last Dutchess,
    Life in a Love,
    Love Among the Ruins,
  • Sonnet 43

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • from Hard Times

    Charles Dickens
  • from Jane Eyre

    Charlotte Bronte
  • Dover Beach

    Dover Beach
    Matthew Arnold
  • "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?"

    "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?"
    Thomas Hardy
  • God's Grandger

    Gerald Manley Hopkins
  • A.E. Housman

    To an Athlete Dying Young,
    When I Was One-and-Twenty
  • E.E. Cummings

    anyone lived in a pretty how town
  • Period: to

    The Modern and Postmodern Periods

  • William Butler Yeats

    When You Are Old,
    The Second Coming,
    Sailing to Byzantium
  • T.S Eliot

    Journey of the Magi,
    The Hollow Men,
  • Shooting an Elephant

    Shooting an Elephant
    George Orwell
  • The Soldier

    Rupert Brooke
  • Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

    Dylan Thomas
  • from the Iliad Book XIX

    The Battle of Hektor and Achilles,
    Epic Poem,
  • from The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

    Anne Savage, Translator
  • Geoffrey Chaucer

    from The Canterbury Tales,
    The Prologue,
    from The Pardoners Tale,
    The Wife of Bath's Tale
  • from Morte d' Arthur

    Sir Thomas Malory
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1485

    The Old English and Megieval Periods