timeline of me

By r12v56k
  • First international Mcdonalds

    First international Mcdonalds
    the first out of country mcdonaldes opens in moscow russia.
  • i was born

    i was born
    i was born. in luthrane hospital in colorado
  • destert storm starts

    destert storm starts
    Iraq invades kuwait. american troops invade iraq driving the iraques out of kuiwat
  • i take my first steps

    i take my first steps
    yeah i took my first steps
  • the breakup of yugoslavia

    the breakup of yugoslavia
    two sections of yugoslavia broke off
  • Los angeles riots

    Los angeles riots
    1992 after the rodeney king beating the city of los angeles rioted
  • Clinton wins pres

    Clinton wins pres
    Clinton becomes president of the united states by beating George H.W. bush for re-election
  • north korea

    north korea
    north korean says they are going to pruse nuclear weapons with or without un permission
  • first world trade center bombing

    first world trade center bombing
    a 1 ton bomb goes off in the world trade center basment.
  • jeffey dahmer

    jeffey dahmer
    jeffrey dahmer a serial killer was beaten to death with a weight machine
  • nelson mandela

    nelson mandela
    nelson mandela is jailed on a island. for speaking out aginst the apartheid
  • summer olimpcs

    summer olimpcs
    summer olimpcs were held in
  • rwanda geoncide

    rwanda geoncide
    The tiny nation of rwanda exprience geoncide. USA accused of being rasist for not helping.
  • nafta

    nafta is a trade aggrement with the united states mexico and cananda
  • fedral building bombing

    fedral building bombing
    fedral building in oklahoma is bombed
  • First bike!

    First bike!
    i learn to ride a bike.
  • i start first grade

    i start first grade
    i start elementry school at vanderhoof elementry school
  • President bill clinton win re-election

    President bill clinton win re-election
    President wins re-election aginst repuplican canidate bob dole
  • kyoto protocol

    kyoto protocol
    the kyoto protocol was adopted by the UN to help concert to a cleaner envorment
  • moving to a new home

    moving to a new home
    me and my parents moved accross town to are new house.
  • Dolly the sheep

    Dolly the sheep
    the first cloned mmmal.dolly the sheep
  • internet

    internet becomes avilible to the public
  • George W. Bush

    George W. Bush
    George w. Bush win against deomocratic nomiee al gore
  • The New mellunium

    The New mellunium
    the new year 2000
  • Sep 11

    Sep 11
    On sep 11th the world trade centers were attacked by al quada.
  • i start Middle school

    i start Middle school
    i started middle school in 2002 at drake middle school
  • i started high school

    i started high school
    i started at high school at Awest
  • George W bush

    George W bush
    George W bush wins re-election against Sen john kerry.
  • McLain high school

    McLain high school
    i start my junior year at mclain high school
  • first car

    first car
    i got my first car at 17. it was a red jeep cherooke
  • i get my first job

    i get my first job
    i started my first job at coldston creamery
  • new job!

    new job!
    i quit coldstone to persue a more rewording carrer at wholefoods