Kelsey Kowalski Timeline

  • Treaty of Versaille

  • Mussolini forms Fascist Party

  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

  • Japan overuns Manchuria

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Stalin begins Great Purge

  • America cuts tariffs on foreigh goods

  • Neutrality Act banned loans to nations

  • Ital y conquers Ethiopia

  • Congress passes the first neutrality acts.

  • Neutrality Act

    Permits trade with fighting nations in non military goods as long as the nation paid cash and transported the cargo.
  • Hitler orders troops into Austria.

  • Chamberlain and Hitler meet at the Munich Conference

  • Congress Repeals Arms Embargo

  • Invasion of Poland begins World War II

  • Battle of Dunkirk

  • Germany defeats France

  • Battle of Britain

  • American First Committee Formed

  • Roosevelt Exchanges Destroyers for bases

  • Congress passes Lend-Lease Act

  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor