Road to WW2 (Part II)

  • Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austria-Hungary throne and his wife

    The murderer was a Serbian Nationalist in Sarejevo.
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    World War I

    WWI Overview using maps (video)West - Ch 10 - WW1 Overview aka the First World War, the Great War, the War to End all Wars.
  • Official Outbreak of WW1

  • End of WW1

    TimelineThe final push from the Allied powers on Oct 17, 1918 would lead to the fall of the Central Powers as one by one, Germany's allies would surrender eventually leading Germany to surrender as their own soldiers became mutinous and the Kaiser fled.
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    Between the Wars

  • Nazi Party created

    Nazi Party created
    Hitler would join soonly after. There were many other extremist groups, but this one rose to power with a nationalist-socialist, anti-communist, and racist view. In the aftermath of WW1, many disillusioned Germans joined these groups because they felt betrayed and humiliated, and did not blelieve they had lost the war. Propaganda was a major tool of this party.
  • Creation of the League of Nations

    Creation of the League of Nations
    With the Treaty of Versailles signing, the League of Nations was formed. Germany and Russia were not initally permitted to join (Germany had started the war, Russia's communist rule didn't mesh with the West) and the USA refused to join. The goal was to prevent conflict and promote peace during crises between two nations. They would ultimately fail in the events surrounding WW2. After WW2, LoG would be replaced by the United Nations.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Official end of the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers (Britain, France, Russia). Germany was made to accept full responsibility for the war, being made to pay severe reparations.
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    Roaring Twenties

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    The Great Depression

    Developed with the Wall Street Crash in the USA which would affect countries world-wide. Would not end until the economy was boosted by WW2.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Unemployment levels rise and hyperinflation occurs.
  • Nazi Party becomes official party of Germany

    Nazi Party becomes official party of Germany
    All other parties would be banned.
  • Hitler declared Führer

    Hitler declared Führer
    Hitler was already Chancellor of Germany, prompted by increasing demands for vengeance as well as the 1930s depression. Soon after his appointment as President, Hitler combined the roles of Chancellor and President and declared himself Führer. Germans swore oath directly to him.
  • Arming of German forces, against Treaty of Versailles

    Denouncing the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler creates a German army and the Luftwaffe (airforce).
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    World War II

  • Russian-German non-agression treaty

    Stalin and Hitler agree to not fight each other, in spite of their contracdicting political views. With both poised to go into Poland, Hitler now declares an invasion of Poland which would spark the start of WW2 on Sep 2, 1939.