Birth Date and Place
Dr. Henry Lees was born on November 22, 1938 Rugao City in Jiangso, China -
Moved to Taiwan at the end of the Chinese Civil War
Father Died while traveling to Taiwan
Father Died on a sinking ship traveling to Taiwan. -
Graduated from the Central Police University
Earned a degree in Police Science. -
Was married to his wife Margaret
Came to the united States
Earned a B.S. in Forensic Science at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York
Period: to
Attended the New York University
New York UniversityEarned his M.S. in 1974 and a Ph. D. in 1975 for biochemistry -
Re-investigated the assasination of John F. Kennedy
Recieved the Medal of Justice from the Justice Foundation and the Distinguished Criminalist Award from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Covered the post 9/11 investigation
Dr. Hnery Hnery Lee is still alive today
He has two grown children and lives in Cinnecticut