History of Apple

  • Apple expanded

    Apple had a staff of computer designers and a production line. The company introduced the ill-fated Apple III in May 1980 in an attempt to compete with IBM and Microsoft in the business and corporate computing market
  • First Established

    This is when Apple was first established.
    Apple was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne
  • Apple was incorporated

    Apple was incorporated without Wayne, who sold his share of the company back to Jobs and Wozniak for $800
  • Apple number 2

    It differed from its major rivals, the TRS-80 and Commodore PET, because it came with color graphics and an open architecture. While early models used ordinary cassette tapes as storage devices, they were superseded by the introduction of a 5 1/4 inch floppy disk drive and interface, the Disk II
  • Xerox PARC

    Jobs and several Apple employees including Jef Raskin visited Xerox PARC in December 1979 to see the Xerox Alto. Xerox granted Apple engineers three days of access to the PARC facilities in return for the option to buy 100,000 shares of Apple at the pre-IPO price of $10 a share.[32] Jobs were immediately convinced that all future computers would use a graphical user interface (GUI), and development of a GUI began for the Apple Lisa
  • Apple launched the initial public offering

    Apple launched the initial public offering of its stock to the investing public.[citation needed] When Apple went public, it generated more capital than any IPO since Ford Motor Company in 1956 and instantly created more millionaires (about 300) than any company in history. Several venture capitalists cashed out, reaping billions in long-term capital gains
  • Apple introduced a new...

    Apple introduced a new all-in-one computer reminiscent of the Macintosh 128K: the iMac. The iMac design team was led by Jonathan Ive, who would later design the iPod and the iPhone.[56][57] The iMac featured modern technology and a unique design. It sold close to 800,000 units in its first five months.