50 years ago commmunication

  • TV Remote Control

    TV Remote Control
  • LED

    the first LED light
  • Mr.Zip invents zip codes for the US

    Mr.Zip invents zip codes for the US
  • Period: to


  • First color TV

    CBS and NBC TV newscasts expand to 30 minutes in color.
  • Olympic Games in Tokyo telecast live globally by satellite.

    Olympic Games in Tokyo telecast live globally by satellite.
  • tape recorder

    From Japan, the videotape recorder for home use.
  • Russian scientists bounce a signal off Jupiter

    Russian scientists bounce a signal off Jupiter
  • first fax machine

    first fax machine
    xerox creates the telecopier,the first successful fax
  • Fiber optic

    Fiber optic
    Fiber optic cable multiplies communication channels.
  • the fist internet

    Arpanet is the first internet
  • Motorola Handie Talkie HT-220 Slimline

    Motorola Handie Talkie HT-220 Slimline; The first portable two-way radios introduced during World War II weighed up to 35 pounds apiece, but the HT-220 weighed just 22 ounces
  • Astronauts send live photographs from the moon.

    Astronauts send live photographs from the moon.
  • Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera

    the first camera that developed before your eyes.
  • HBO

    HBO invents pay-TV service for cable.
  • Apple I -home

    Apple I home computer invented.
    First nationwide programming - via satellite and implemented by Ted Turner.
  • Atari

    the first Atari came out
  • First cell phone

    First cellular phone communication network started in Japan..
  • IBM PC first sold

    First laptop computers sold to public.
    Computer mouse becomes regular part of computer.
  • First cell phone network for Us

    First cellular phone network started in the United States.
  • Apple Macintosh released.

    Apple Macintosh released.
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    Nintendo Game Boy
    Nintendo Game Boy comes out and is a big hit for handheld gameing devices.
  • First text message

    First text message
    Neil Papworth sends the first SMS (or text message).
  • motarola StarTac

    motarola StarTac
    first mobile phone
  • ps2

    the first sony playstation 2
  • apple ipod

    apple ipod
    the first apple ipod is released for sale