50 years

By averson
  • Born

    At 2:23am Avery Weinrich was born at Atlantic City hospital. he was the third child of Micheal and Debra Weinrich
  • Austin is born

    Austin is born
    Avery's younger borther is born at Atlantic City Hospital. Austin and Avery Would gorw us as best friends.
  • First day of School

    First day of School
    Avery starts his frist day at Blessed Sacrament Regional School. Avery would addented BSRS for five years.
  • Move to Abington

    Move to Abington
    Avery and his faimly move from Ventnor NJ to Abington PA. Avery lived at 1211 cox road in Rydal
  • Rydal Elementary

    Rydal Elementary
    Avery started school in the Abington School District. He would stay at abington all the way though high school.
  • First deer

    First deer
    Avery harvest his first big game animal After hunting for three years.
  • Brad Paisley

    Brad Paisley
    Avery Goes his first Brad Paisley Concert. Brad Paisley is Avery's favorit ariest and had been a fan since 2003
  • Abington Club

    Abington Club
  • Mr Aleo Dies

    Mr Aleo Dies
    Avery neighbor Puak Aleo dies. Avery helped Mr Aleo with yard work and other household tast that Mr Aleo could no longer do himself. Avery knew Pual for about two years.
  • West Virgina

    West Virgina
    Avery Starts college at West Virginia University. His maygor is in wildlife management
  • Marrired

    Avery gets married to Brooke Porter, They meet in college and started dating in 2024.
  • Brad Weinrich

    Brad Weinrich
    Avery's First son is born at Malcolm Grow Hospital. It is the most life change event in Avery's life
  • Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

    Wins Nobel Prize in Literature
    Avery wins the Nobel Prize in Literature for his poem Nature Home The stream runs home
    the beach is my soft sandy bed
    Born again to this Earth.
  • AMW

    Avery completes his autobiography titled AMW.