Folk Music
In the early 1950's, folk music aligned itself with the civil rights movement that had developed throughout the mid-1950s -
in 1951, many had what was known as communism paranoia. Senator Joseph McCarthy, chairman of the Committee on Government Operations of the Senate, used his position to lead a anti-communism campaign -
A controversy was stirred up in 1953 do to Hugh Hefner putting inappropriate pictures of Marilyn Monroe on a magazine calendar. -
Supreme Court ruled on a landmark case
In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled on a landmark case concerning a black child by the name of Linda Brown. She was denied the opportunity to attend an all white public school in Kansas. -
Rosa Parks
In Montgomery Alabama, a black women named Rosa Parks refused to to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger, as was required by law. -
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther KIng Jr. organized a peaceful, citywide boycott that held Park's case made it to the Supreme Court -
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Captured the sense that intruders might well be lurking among us, waiting for the right moment to execute their diabolical plan for domination of the Earth -
Soviet's launched a spacecraft
In 1957, the Soviet's launched the first satellite into Space -
Racial Tension Peaked
Racial Tensions peaked in 1957 when President Eisenhower had to send the Nation Guard troops to Little Rock, to defend nine black students who had won the right in federal court to attend an all white school. -
Shift in Sexuality
in 1959, Mattel Toys introduced the Barbie doll, which defined an ideal female of beauty for an entire generation of girls and boys