5 Technologies Timeline

  • Nvidia Releases GeForce

    Nvidia Releases GeForce
    The GeForce 256 was the first commercialized graphics processing unit (GPU). It helps computers run higher graphics and enhanced desktops.
  • Jack Dorsey Invents Twitter

    Jack Dorsey Invents Twitter
    A social media platform that allows people to freely speak their minds and post whatever they would like. It allowed all sorts of information and news to easily be shared in one app.
  • The iPhone Invented By Apple

    The iPhone Invented By Apple
    It was the first mobile phone that brought many more functions to a phone. It let the consumers play music, use a camera, go on the internet, and more.
  • Android Invented by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, and Nick Sears

    Android Invented by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, and Nick Sears
    It was the first time the public could easily buy microprocessors and it allows computers to have faster processing speeds.
  • Apple Introduces Touch ID

    Apple Introduces Touch ID
    It added a level of security to devices where only someone who scans their fingerprint on the device could unlock it.