5 Significant Computer Inventions 2010-2020

  • Instagram

    The extremely popular social media platform hit app stores in Oct 2010. It allowed people to edit and post photos to their account for others to view to share our lives with the world.
  • 4G Networking

    4G Networking
    Having access to faster service on our phones allowed various apps to thrive
  • DJI Phantom 1

    DJI Phantom 1
    Drones were previously only something you'd see in the military, but it's commercial launch opened up the ability for everyday to people to have personal use flying cameras.
  • Venmo

    This app allows people to transfer personal funds to each other with ease and lead the way for other digital money transfer platforms. Before this, people would have to write checks or have cash handy to pay people for goods and services.
  • Pokemon Go

    Pokemon Go
    This app, based off a popular video game, took the world by storm and got people outside, moving, and socializing.