
5 of Shakespeares Plays

By Sadegh
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    Montague and Capulet families disruption of Verona cause tragic results for Romeo and Juliet. Revenge, love, and a secret marriage pushes the lovers to grow quickly. In the end, fate causes them to commit suicide in despair.
  • Julius Ceasar

    Julius Ceasar
    Caesar returns to Rome with a great victory over Spain. Over and over Caesar is warned about March by people against him. The conspirators kill Caesar in his own house which leads to friends Antony presenting a speech at Caesar's funeral. He along others fight to avenge Caesar with a great army.
  • Hamlet

    Hamlet's father appears as a ghost and tells Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius. Hamlet is not sure that the ghost is really his father. Hamlet is the son of the King of Denmark, when the King dies, Hamlet's uncle becomes King of Denmark and marries Hamlet's mother (Gertrude). Hamlet's father appears as a ghost and informs that he had been murdered by his brother Claudius, Hamlet isn't sure if the ghost is really his father.
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream

    A Midsummer Night's Dream
    Egeus, father of Hermia is unhappy with his daughters decsion to refuse to marry the man by his fathers choice, Demetrius. Instead Hermia falls in love with Lysander even though it may mean death.It is also four days before the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Titania and Oberon are having an argument as Titania refuses to give Oberon her adopted Indian son. Quince, Bottom and other actors set a play to be performed at Hippolyta and Theseus's wedding.
  • Macbeth

    Duncan, King of Scotland hears news that his generals Macbeth and Banquo have been victorious in their battles. Following their victory's, Macbeth and Banquo come across witches which prophesy that Macbeth will become King of Scotland.They also prophesy that Banquo will beget a line of Scottish Kings. Lady Macbeth desires Macbeth's kingship role and helps him murder Duncan. They also ambush Banquo and murder him. Macduff and Malcolm (sons of Duncan) fled when they found there murdered father.