The Secular Mandate
This mandate is an important piece to American educational history because this date in time shows the interest of the US government and their understanding of educations power with in their society. This document is important piece in my eyes because it shows the intention of the US government way before it had a true structure for the education system. Without it where would the education system be today? -
Child Study movement
This movement was started by G. Stanley Hall. He studied psychology of young children allowing educators better educate their students. This is an important piece to the puzzle because it shows the concept of education and how to administer it is changing from things like the New England Primer -
Brown v. the Board of Education
This moment in history marked another step forward for people outside the social loop of the white Americans. This allowed people of color to then attend a mostly white school. This case is making education more attainable to all people. This case makes its way into my top five because it shows the government striving for equal education and having a belief that education is a key to the success of the country. -
The IDEA Law
This law allowed disabled children or people to the same education as regular students. This is an important law because it is another step forward for making education available to all people.The IDEA law is also relevant to history because its including another group of people into american education. Making American education more public. -
Race to the Top
This law was put in place by the Obama administration. It was designed to help give states money for under performing schools to give them a boost in their faculty and students test scores. This act gives an idea of where education is going now. Making every state a high performing state trying to boost up the education system to make America a strong performing country compared to the rest of the world.