History Timeline

  • Hoover Dam Completed

    Hoover Dam Completed
    The Hoover Dam is a giant dam in Nevada. The Hoover Dam was once known as the Boulder Dam. It is an arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the boulder between Nevada and Arizona. The reason I picked The Hoover Dam is because one year my parents went on a vacation to Las Vegas, and while they were there they stopped at the Hoover Dam, and took some cool pictures.
  • Berlin Olympic Games

    Berlin Olympic Games
    On August 1, 1936 Hitler opened the Summer Olympic Games. Hitler basically ran this Olympic Games, in fact they called it the "Hitler Olympics." While the games were going on Hitler was forced to hide all of his racist acts toward the Jewish, and he had to temporarily hide his "perfect race" thoughts. The reason i picked the Berlin Olympic Games is because i love watching all of the Olympic games, and I love playing sports
  • Rationing Introduced in Britain

    Rationing Introduced in Britain
    On January 8th of 1940 Britain introduced rationing. Food such as bacon, butter, sugar, meat, tea, biscuits, cereal, cheese, eggs, lard, milk, and canned fruit were being rationed evenly throughout all of the people living in Britain at the time. I picked this topic be cause i always wanted to know if he break out into war how much food and water would i be getting for every day.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain broke out in July 1st of 1940. It was one of the many battles fought in WW11. The Battle of Britain was the Royal Air Forces defending the United Kingdom against German Air Forces from the end of 1940. The reason i picked the Battle of Britain is because I wanted to learn more about the type of wars fought during WW11, and how destructive all their weapons were
  • United States Declares Attack on Japan

    United States Declares Attack on Japan
    At 7:55 A.M. December 7, 1941 Japan surprise bombs Pearl Harbor. The United States was wanting to stay out of the war, until this happened. The very next morning the U.S. declares war on Japan. They had to do this because if they just blew it off then more and more countries would bomb us because we would do nothing about it. Several months into war we dropped the first ever atomic bomb, basically ending WW11. I picked this because i recently saw a doccumentary on Pearl Harbor
  • Revenue Act Of 1942

    Revenue Act Of 1942
    The Revenue Act increased individual income tax rates, it also increased corporate tax rares (Rates rose from 31% to 40%), and reduced the personal exemption amount from 1,500 to 1,200(Married Couples). The exemption amount for each dependent was reduced from 400 to 350. A 5% victory tax on all individual incomes over 624$ was created with postwar credit.
  • Battle Of The Bulge

    Battle Of The Bulge
    The Battle of The Bulge started on December 16, 1941 and led u[ to January 25, 1945. Adolph Hitler attempted to split Allied armies in New Europe by means of a surprise attack through Ardennes to Antwerp. American units fought desperately to stem German advance. As German drove deeper into the Ardennes in an attempt to secure vital bridgeheads. The allied lines took appearance in big "bulges." This battle had about 100,00 deaths.
  • Truman Finds out About Atmoic Bomb

    Truman Finds out About Atmoic Bomb
    When Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945 Truman was immediately sworn into office, and was informed of the atomic bomb plans. That night Truman said that the U.S. was perfecting an explosive great enough to destroy the world. Truman then gave the okay to use the bomb, but no earlier than August 2nd
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was held from February 4 to 11, 1945. It was when the World War II heads of government meet. The United States was represented by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • Coconut Grove Fire

    Coconut Grove Fire
    The Coconut Grove was a very popular restaurant/supper club. At about 10:15 P.M. on a November evening a bus boy was ordered to fix a light bulb that had been accidentally unscrewed. The boy lit a match in order to relight the light, but he dropped it on a fake palm tree and caught it on fire. The fire then grew, and blew into the dining room where most of the people were hanging out. The fire burnt the whole building down, and killed 492 innocent people in the process.