5 Disruptions

  • Me Too Movement

    Me Too Movement
    Through Facebook and Twiiter, by using the hashtag "#MeToo", people were no longer silent towards any kind of abuse. The hashtag was first recognized when actress Alyssa Milano tweeted it, and asked others to do the same.
  • Climate Strike

    Climate Strike
    Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
    Tactics: Use of hashtag, news stories of fires, typhoons and massive floods; all were used to call attention to the movement of Climate Change and create more awareness and a call for action.
  • COVID-19

    Social Media Platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, News, and Websites.
    Tactics: Mass media coverage on events and updates, links towards websites, and use of hashtags throughout social media platforms.
  • Black Lives Matter

    Black Lives Matter
    Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
    Tactics: Use of the the Hashtag #BLM and "swag" apparel to create awareness. News coverage stories as well spread the movement drastically.
  • Asian Lives Matter

    Asian Lives Matter
    Social Media Platforms: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
    Tactics: After news media coverages on shootings in Atlanta, the use of a hashtag was used to to gain more visibility and protests nationwide. #AsianLivesMatter