
5 Catastrophic Earthquakes

  • Period: to


  • San Francisco

    San Francisco
    This was one of the worst earthquakes of its time. the whole city was whiped out, off the map. this earthquake came on the richter scale as 8.3
  • Skopjie, Yugoslavia

    Skopjie, Yugoslavia
    An earthquake destroyed Skopjie in 1963. it came in on the ricter scale as 6.1, the U.S Army was flown in to help.
  • Guatemala City

    Guatemala City
    The 1976 earthquake in Guatemala city struck at 3am in the morning, since the earthquake struck in the early morning while most of the city was asleep so that jumped the death toll really high up. This earthquake rolled in at 7.5 on the ricter scale
  • Kobe, Japan

    Kobe, Japan
    This earthquake was quick. it only lasted about 20 seconds. it killed about 7000 people and left 200 Billion USD in damage
  • Bam, Iran

    Bam, Iran
    This earthquake struct the city of Bam, Iran right after Christmas Day. it destroyed the 2000 year old city, leaving behind a trail of cobble stone. it came in on the ricter scale as 6.6